Building the Bridge: Linking Medicaid and Child Welfare Data to Identify High Service Users in Child Welfare

Building the Bridge: Linking Medicaid and Child Welfare Data to Identify High Service Users in Child Welfare

Published: May 16, 2018
Publisher: Casey Family Programs
Associated Project

Superutilization of Child Welfare and Other Services

Time frame: 2016-2018

Prepared for:

Casey Family Programs


In this web-based and interactive issue brief, Mathematica Policy Research and Casey Family Programs share results from a study they conducted, which linked child welfare and Medicaid data to identify high service users amongst a sample of children in foster care in Tennessee and Florida. Data sharing across Medicaid and child welfare is rare, despite the fact that both systems play important roles in providing services for youth in foster care, thus this brief provides promising new insight as to how services for youth in foster care can be improved.

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