Bring Them Back, Move Them Forward: Case Studies of Programs Preparing Out-of-School Youths for Further Education and Careers

Bring Them Back, Move Them Forward: Case Studies of Programs Preparing Out-of-School Youths for Further Education and Careers

Published: Aug 30, 2008
Publisher: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Rob Buschmann

Joshua Haimson

This report summarizes the results of case studies of six programs designed to help out of school youth earn a high school diploma or GED and prepare for postsecondary education and jobs. Drawing on site visit interviews and outcome data, the report examines program goals and partners, admissions and attendance policies, instructional approaches and academic outcomes, methods for addressing participants’ personal issues, and strategies to connect participants to specific postsecondary programs and jobs. Staff tried to address participants’ diverse learning needs, but limited resources sometimes constrained these efforts. In addition, staff helped participants with personal issues but had difficulty addressing the most serious problems. The authors note the potential value of creating a portfolio of programs with varying outcome objectives and admissions standards, ensuring that both relatively skilled and more disadvantaged youth are served.

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