Linking Administrative Data to Improve Understanding of Child Maltreatment Incidence and Related Risk and Protective Factors: A Feasibility Study

On Tuesday, September 6, 2022, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET, we hosted a webinar highlighting findings from a feasibility study conducted as part of the Child Maltreatment Incidence (CMI) Data Linkages project.
View a recording of the webinar here.
The CMI Data Linkages project identified five sites using linked administrative data to examine child maltreatment incidence and related risk and protective factors. The project supported the sites as they enhanced their existing linked administrative data by using innovative methods to link/analyze administrative data, linking novel administrative data sources, or scaling or replicating an existing data linkage or analysis approach in a new geographic area or jurisdiction. A feasibility study examined the factors that promote or impede the enhancement or scaling of existing administrative data linkage and analysis practices related to child maltreatment, as well as the availability and quality of information on child maltreatment incidence and associated risk and protective factors that can be gleaned from linked administrative data.
The webinar shared promising practices and contextual and organizational factors related to using linked administrative data to understand the incidence of and risk and protective factors associated with child maltreatment.
Reports and briefs highlighting findings from the feasibility study are available on the Child Maltreatment Incidence Data Linkages project webpage.
The project was conducted by Mathematica and is supported by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in partnership with the Children’s Bureau.