Mynti Hossain is an expert in qualitative research methods. Her work focuses on health information technology implementation, health care system redesign, routine and COVID-19 vaccination uptake, and maternal and child health home visiting programs.
Currently, Hossain leads a policy analysis, funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, to identify and assess potential policies to advance routine vaccine equity among adults age 19 and older. In addition, she recently led the development of a primer on sustainability planning for data modernization initiatives focused on advancing public health data and surveillance, funded by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. The primer includes a toolkit with a sustainability planning model, job aids, and key artifacts to develop a sustainability plan. She also served on the teams evaluating the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation’s large-scale initiatives to transform health care delivery, including the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus initiative and the second round of the Health Care Innovation Awards.
Hossain joined Mathematica in 2011 and has published in journals including the American Journal of Managed Care, Health Services Research, Medical Care, Academic Pediatrics, and Generating Evidence & Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes. In addition, she has presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Fall Research Conference on the value of including participants’ voices into the design and implementation of programs that serve them. She holds an M.P.P. from the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.