Project Overview
We support OPRE’s desire to conduct a transparent, comprehensive review of employment interventions, determine their evidence of effectiveness, and create a website that helps employment service providers find interventions that work.
The Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse began through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017. That act directs HHS to create a database of projects (referred to as interventions) that have used a proven or promising approach to move welfare recipients into work. Interventions should be categorized by their evidence of effectiveness.
Employment service providers, TANF administrators, policymakers, and researchers
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation

To provide reliable, accessible information about what works to help individuals with low incomes find and keep jobs, OPRE and Mathematica launched the Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse.
The Pathways Clearinghouse identifies projects that aim to improve employment outcomes, reduce employment challenges, and support self-sufficiency for individuals with low incomes, especially people who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. It features a user-friendly website that provides tools and products to help administrators, policymakers, and researchers assess the overall state of the evidence.

Pathways Website
Our findings are available via a high-quality, user-friendly website that presents the review’s findings and provides additional materials to make it easy for users to navigate. In addition to information about interventions, the site will also have syntheses about different approaches that show effectiveness as well as videos.
Visit WebsiteEvidence & Insights From This Project

Evidence Snapshot: Subsidized Employment and Transitional Jobs
This evidence snapshot describes the effectiveness of programs that were identified by the Pathways Clearinghouse as using subsidized employment or transitional jobs as their primary service.
Learn MorePathways Clearinghouse: Overview of the Research
Evidence Snapshot: Employment Retention Services
Digging Deeper into What Works: What Services Improve Labor Market Outcomes, and for Whom?
Evidence Snapshot: Financial Incentives
What Works During Economic Recessions and Recoveries? Evidence From the Pathways Clearinghouse
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