Measuring Medical Homeness Using the Medical Home Attributes Scale (MHAS)

Measuring Medical Homeness Using the Medical Home Attributes Scale (MHAS)

Published: Sep 27, 2017
Publisher: Health and Primary Care, vol. 1, no. 3

Michael T. Halpern

Kevin W. Smith

Nancy McCall

Yiyan Liu

Suzanne G. Wensky

To assess psychometric properties of a recently-designed medical-homeness instrument, the Medical Home Attributes Scale (MHAS), we surveyed clinical practices with NCQA recognition as medical homes. Exploratory factor-analyses of the 25 clinician-rated MHAS items from 228 practices revealed four underlying factors: clinical team interactions, record review/documentation, reviewing patient needs, and quality improvement/monitoring. In multivariable regressions, MHAS scores were 8.5 points higher for multispecialty practices vs. primary-care only practices, and were 5.5 points lower for hospital-owned practices vs. other ownerships. The MHAS, a brief measure of medical-homenness of clinician practices, is highly reliable and sensitive to differences in practice specialty and ownership.

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