Project Overview
To define the core competencies for case management professionals supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and to pilot a competency tool for case managers who provide supports in a variety of service systems.
In accordance with the goals outlined in its Five-Year-State Plan, the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) identified establishing a high-quality system for ensuring best practices in case management as key to improving home- and community-based services (HCBS) in the state.
Also, case management professionals have diverse titles and job functions, yet no universal set of responsibilities defines their role or requisite job competencies across all service systems which can impact the quality and consistency of support services received.
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Throughout their lives, and depending on their age, their needs, and the service delivery systems that support them, children and adults with I/DD and their caregivers interact with a variety of providers. Across service systems, people have access to case managers or service coordinators to develop a plan of care and coordinate the services identified in those plans. Case management professionals have diverse titles and job functions, yet no universal set of responsibilities defines their role or requisite job competencies across all service systems which can impact the quality and consistency of support services received.
In its Five-Year State Plan (2022–2026), the FDDC identified establishing a high-quality system for ensuring best practices in case management as key to improving access to HCBS in the state.

Evidence & Insights From This Project

Redefining Quality Case Management is Key to Improving the Well-Being of Program Participants
As researchers studying case management, we’ve observed a tension between what program participants need to navigate the increasingly complex health and human services system and the central job responsibilities of case managers.
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