Preparing Young Children for School

Preparing Young Children for School

Published: Aug 15, 2022
Publisher: Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education


Associated Project

What Works Clearinghouse Guides to Research that Assists Practitioners in Education (WWC-GRAPE)

Time frame: 2007-2028

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences


Margaret Burchinal

Sarah Krowka

Rebecca Newman-Gonchar

Madhavi Jayanthi

Russell Gersten

Samantha Wavell

Kelly Haymond

Karen Bierman

Jorge Gonzalez

Megan McClelland

Kimberly Nelson

Jill Pentimonti

David Purpura

Jason Sachs

Julie Sarama

Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin

Julie Washington

Key Findings

Important factors in providing instruction in preschool include:

  • Intentional instruction
  • Interaction and conversation
  • Sequentially built lessons
  • Scheduling time for intentional learning and recognizing everyone’s backgrounds and experiences

Ensuring that all children are well prepared for elementary school is a priority for parents, caregivers, guardians, and policy makers. To address this priority, the What Works Clearinghouse, in conjunction with an expert panel, distilled recent research into seven recommendations for preschool educators.

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