CSDP Forum: Revitalization Through Regulation? The Impacts of 2008 Regulatory Changes on the Ticket to Work Program

Dec 12, 2013
Washington, DC
The Ticket to Work (TTW) program was developed to encourage the nearly 11 million working-age people on the disability rolls to find jobs and become economically self-sufficient. The program seeks to connect these individuals to job-related services via a wide array of qualified providers, called employment networks (ENs). In 2008, the Social Security Administration made several regulatory changes to TTW to boost EN and beneficiary participation in the program. 

In this disability policy forum and webinar, we examined:
•Findings from a rigorous analysis of the impact of TTW on services, employment, and benefits in the years leading up to the regulatory changes
•Changes in beneficiary participation in TTW after the regulatory changes and the extent to which participants forgo benefits because they are working 
•Changes in EN participation and business models after the regulatory changes
•The impact of the economic recession and the labor market on participant and provider outcomes in return-to-work efforts