Analytic Support for Washington Citizens' Work Group on Health Care: Evaluation of Health Care Reform Proposals

Analytic Support for Washington Citizens' Work Group on Health Care: Evaluation of Health Care Reform Proposals

Published: Mar 27, 2009
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research

Deborah Chollet

Jeffrey Ballou

Alison Wellington

Thomas Bell

Allison Barrett

Stephanie Peterson

Mathematica evaluated five health care reform proposals for the state of Washington in 2008. The proposals featured, respectively: reduced regulation in the current market; Massachusetts-style insurance reforms with a health insurance connector; a health partnership program similar to the current state employee health plan; a state-operated single payer plan; and a program that would guarantee catastrophic coverage for all residents. This report provides estimates of the changes in coverage and health care expenditures that would result from implementation of these proposals, as well as impacts on hospital charity care, the scope of coverage and consumer choice, and economic activity in Washington.

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