Expanding the Role of Primary Care in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity: A Review of Clinic- and Community-Based Recommendations and Interventions

Expanding the Role of Primary Care in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity: A Review of Clinic- and Community-Based Recommendations and Interventions

Published: Mar 30, 2013
Publisher: Journal of Obesity, vol. 2013
Associated Project

Evaluation of Model Communities: Healthy Weight Collaborative

Time frame: 2009-2013

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration


Margaret B. Hargreaves

Ronette R. Briefel

This article describes a literature review of articles published from 2005 to 2012 to (1) provide examples of the spectrum of roles that primary care providers can play in the successful treatment and prevention of childhood obesity in both clinic and community settings, and (2) synthesize the evidence on important characteristics, factors, and strategies in successful community-based models. Providers can promote the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity through the following efforts: (1) weight status assessment and monitoring, (2) healthy lifestyle promotion, (3) treatment, (4) clinician skill development, (5) clinic infrastructure development, (6) community program referrals, (7) community health education, (8) multisector community initiatives, and (9) policy advocacy.

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