Moving Forward Together: How Programs Can Support Informal Caregivers and Parents

Moving Forward Together: How Programs Can Support Informal Caregivers and Parents

Issue Brief
Published: May 27, 2015
Publisher: Oakland, CA: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Early Learning Strategy: Informal Caregivers Research Project

Time frame: 2014-2015

Prepared for:

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation


Jaime Thomas

Madeline Young

Kimberly Boller

Daisy Gonzalez

This issue brief is the last in a series of three presenting the findings from the Informal Caregivers Research Project, funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation’s Children, Families, and Communities (CFC) program and conducted by Mathematica. This brief discusses the varied roles of parents and informal caregivers, their strengths in caring for children, their needs for information and support, and barriers they face in accessing caregiving resources. It also provides recommendations for outreach methods, programs, and policies to address their needs.

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