Quality Thresholds, Features, and Dosage in Early Care and Education: Discussion and Conclusions

Quality Thresholds, Features, and Dosage in Early Care and Education: Discussion and Conclusions

Published: Jun 07, 2016
Publisher: In Quality Thresholds, Features, and Dosage in Early Care and Education: Secondary Data Analyses of Child Outcomes, edited by Margaret Burchinal, Martha Zaslow, and Louisa Tarullo. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, vol. 81, issue 2
Associated Project

Child Care and Early Education Quality Features, Thresholds, and Dosage and Child Outcomes

Time frame: 2009-2014

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families


Martha Zaslow

Margaret Burchinal

Ivelisse Martinez-Beck

By providing an in-depth examination of thresholds of quality, specificity of quality measurement, dosage operationalized in several ways, and interactions of dosage and quality, the secondary data analyses reported here sought to extend the understanding of how early childhood care and education quality and child outcomes are related. We report findings from analyses that included the child's entry skills and family demographic characteristics as covariates and only report findings that were replicated across studies or across measures as a means to reduce, but not eliminate, potential biases.

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