Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8

Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8

Published: Dec 30, 2016
Publisher: Washington, DC: The National Academies Press

National Academies of Sciences


and Medicine

Committee on Supporting the Parents of Young Children of which Kimberly Boller is a member

Decades of research have demonstrated that the parent-child dyad and the environment of the family—which includes all primary caregivers—are at the foundation of children’s well-being and healthy development. From birth, children are learning and rely on parents and the other caregivers in their lives to protect and care for them. The impact of parents may never be greater than during the earliest years of life, when a child’s brain is rapidly developing and when nearly all of her or his experiences are created and shaped by parents and the family environment. Parents help children build and refine their knowledge and skills, charting a trajectory for their health and well-being during childhood and beyond. The experience of parenting also impacts parents themselves. For instance, parenting can enrich and give focus to parents’ lives; generate stress or calm; and create any number of emotions, including feelings of happiness, sadness, fulfillment, and anger.

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