Playworks Implementation in 17 Schools from 6 U.S. Cities

Playworks Implementation in 17 Schools from 6 U.S. Cities

Published: May 30, 2013
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research and Stanford, CA: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, Stanford University


Associated Project

Playworks: Student and School Outcomes

Time frame: 2010-2014

Prepared for:

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Rebecca A. London

Sebastian Castrechini

Katie Stokes-Guinan

Lisa Westrich

Recess periods often lack the structure needed to support physical activity and positive social development (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2010). The Playworks program places full-time coaches in low-income elementary schools to provide opportunities for organized play during recess and throughout the school day. Playworks activities are designed to engage students in physical activity, foster social skills related to cooperation and conflict resolution, improve students’ abilities to focus on class work, decrease behavioral problems and improve school climate.

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