Nancy Murray

Nancy Murray

Senior Fellow

Nancy Murray has more than 30 years of experience in international development program evaluation, education, adolescent and maternal and child health, nutrition, and women’s economic empowerment and financial inclusion.

Currently, Murray leads the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Financial Inclusion (WEE-FI) learning partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Financial Services for the Poor team, designed to generate evidence and learning on what works to improve women’s economic empowerment from the foundation’s current portfolio of investments. She also recently led a program review of The Challenge Initiative (TCI), the Gates Foundation’s flagship investment in family planning service delivery at scale, as well as the LAC Reads project, a USAID-funded set of impact evaluations of early reading initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. She has had key roles in designing and leading evaluations of international health and education programs in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa.

Murray, who joined Mathematica in 2007, was previously the deputy director for the Center for Health Solutions at Futures Group International. She has published in Studies in Family Planning, Social Biology, International Family Planning Perspectives, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, and Maternal and Child Nutrition. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the Johns Hopkins University and an M.P.H. and an M.A. in Latin American studies, both from the University of California, Los Angeles.

  • International development program evaluation
  • Adolescent and maternal and child health
  • Nutrition
  • Early-grade education
Focus Area Topics
  • Global
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Social Protection
  • Education and Workforce Development

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